Repositories & Teams

Intro to repositories

A repository is a categorical grouping. There you can find charts, insights and datasets related to one specific topic.

Exploring and watching repositories

From our home page, you can access the repositories that are on the left. There you can find the repositories that you are following, are the owner of and that have been shared with you.

Also, you can click on "Explore repositories" and find new ones. When you open a repository, you will be able to examine the datasets, insights and charts related to that topic. Furthermore, you can follow a repository and it will appear on the left of your home page.


How to create a new repository and permissions

In order to create a new repository, there's a blue button on the top right called "Create new". Select the option "New repository". Choose the name, write a brief description of what the repository is about and decide whether you want it private or public.


Once the repository is created, you can create charts, upload datasets and write insights, you can store them in that repository. You will be able to find them in the tabs charts, datasets and insights, respectively.

You are the owner of it, you can change the title, the description and the privacy. Also you are able to give different permissions to the members of your team through the settings tab.

The permissions that can be given are:

  • Reading
  • Writing
  • Administrator

Furthermore, you can transfer the ownership of the repository. As well as deleting it.

Repository themes

Creating Themes for your Repositories: creations need to be different, unique. Premium users now have more customization options for the charts, so it will no longer be something like “A customer can have a car painted any color he wants as long as it’s black”. Users can define a Default Theme for a repository and everything inside will look like that. Available parameters are:

  • Custom Color Palettes
  • Font Family and color
  • Background and chart area color
  • Header text-align (left / center)
  • Line Width and show/hide line markers
  • Show/hide horizontal axis Gridlines
  • Show/hide axis borders

Here are some examples of themes that can be created with these options:






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Discover the new "Exploring Alphacast" Repository here


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