My Public Repo

By chia

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    Activity - Argentina - ANAC - Air Traffic Activity - Argentina - ENARGAS - Consumo de gas natural Labour & Income - Argentina - MTEySS - Minimum pension - HMJ Labour & Income - Argentina - MTEySS - Universal Child Allowance - AUH Activity - Argentina - MAGyP - Cattle Indicators China Activity - China - OECD - Gross Domestic Product - Quarterly Ecuador Activity - Ecuador - BCE - Monthly Economic Activity Index Euro Area & European Union Monetary - Euro Area - ECB - Interest Rates Labour & Income - European Union - Eurostat - Labour Market - Unemployment Rate Latin America Activity - Latin America - Alphacast - Industrial Production - Monthly Mexico Activity - Mexico - INEGI - Industrial Production Index United States BOP - USA - BEA - Balance of...

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    PipelineLast EditedEdit
    Inflation - Uruguay - INE - Consumer Price Index - Full Detail - 2022=100 transformation13 hours ago
    Inflation - Uruguay - INE - Consumer Price Index - Full Detail - 2022=100 transformation1 day ago
    test select series4 days ago
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