How to calculate a monthly end-of-period series?

See the pipeline here.

Pipelines are an easy way to apply transformations to datasets that update automatically every time data is updated.

Suppose we have a daily data series for which we need only the last value of each month. It is possible to do that in Excel. For example, an auxiliary column is added that is TRUE / FALSE depending on whether or not we are on the last day of the month, and then a pivot table or a filter is created, or another table and a vlookup. EOMONTH, for example, is used for that.

Doing it with pipelines basically you don't have to do anything. The transformation is done by itself

Step 1. Find the dataset and click "Transform Data"

Suppose we want a monthly exchange rate series for all countries. Something like this exists in this BIS dataset but with daily frequency: "Financial - Global - BIS - Main Currencies"

With the source, dataset identified click "Transform Data" on the dataset view


You will now be in the Pipelines Editor


Step 2. Choose the step "Resample frequency"

A step is added to perform a "Frequency Resample". The source data is daily - this will be automatically detected - and then you can select the new frequency - monthly, quarterly o yearly.

Once the frequency is selected you have to choose how you will aggregate daily data into a single value. Average? sum? Min o Max? In this example we will choose the "Last" value of the month..



Step 3. Results

Luciano Cohan

Written by

Luciano Cohan

Co-Fundador de Alphacast. Ex Subsecretario de Programación Macroeconómica. Data Science. Creando una plataforma para el trabajo colaborativo en economías

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