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Instituto Nacional de Estadisticas y Censos (INDEC)

By Alphacast

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The National Institute of Statistics and Censuses (INDEC) is a decentralized public body of a technical nature, within the orbit of the Ministry of Economy of the Nation, which exercises the superior direction of all official statistical activities carried out in the Argentine Republic.


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    Argentina: Industrial production is losing momentum


    The manufacturing industrial production index (IPI manufacturing) includes an exhaustive survey of all the economic activities that make up the manufacturing industry sector, with coverage for the entire country. This indicator measures the evolution of the sector on a monthly basis and is calculated from the variables of production in physical units, sales in physical units, use of inputs in physical units, consumption in physical units, number of hours worked by the personnel involved in the production process and sales at deflated current prices. In April, the economy presented the lowest values in more than 15 years. Quarantine due to COVID-19 pandemic, ceased industrial activities. Thus, in April 2020 figures were 81.07 (sa) vs 120.38 (sa) in April 2019 vs 124.27 (sa) in April...

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    PipelineLast EditedEdit
    Cloned from: Activity & Production - Argentina - INDEC - Construction Activity Index (ISAC) transformation2 days ago
    National Accounts - Argentina - INDEC - Gross Domestic Product - Supply Side transformation2 days ago
    Activity & Production - Argentina - INDEC - Qualitative Construction Survey chart2 days ago
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