Dataset Information

Data available from 2008-01-01 to 2020-12-01
Source: CAME

This dataset includes monthly data on retail sales and the annual variation in quantities reported by stores. These data are reported by the Argentine Confederation of Medium Enterprises (CAME) in order to know and evaluate the interannual evolution of SMEs throughout the country. The survey is carried out during the last days of the month, through a team of 30 interviewers located in the capitals of the country, GBA, and CABA. The data comes from a measurement based on 1,100 companies. Since 2021, sales began to be reported based on an indicator built on the annual variation in billing reported by the businesses measured with a base year January 2019 = 100. The items measured are food and beverages, footwear and leather goods, electrical appliances, art. electronics, computers, cell phones and accessories, pharmacy, hardware and electrical materials, toys and bookstore, construction materials, furniture,and home decor, tires and spare parts for cars and motorcycles, perfumery and cosmetics, clothing and art. sports and recreation, white textiles and clothing textiles.

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