[DISCONTINUED] Activity & Production - Brazil - IBGE - Retail Trade Survey
Published byalphacastinAlphacast Discontinued
Created with pipeline Activity - Brazil - IBGE - Monthly Retail Trade Survey
Last update 2024-07-19
Dataset Information
Data available from 2000-01-01 to 2022-01-01- Source: IBGE
This dataset includes monthly Brazil survey of trade. The Monthly Survey of Trade produces indicators that allow the monitoring of the short-term behavior of the retail trade in the country, investigating the gross revenue of resale formally constituted, with 20 or more employed persons and whose main activity is the retail trade. Extended retail trade includes vehicles, motorcycles, parts and pieces, and construction materials. From 2005 on, the estimation of the nominal revenue and the volume of sales (seasonally adjusted) was implemented. From January 2017 on, a new series began, taking as base the year 2014.
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