Dataset Information

Data available from 1991-01-01 to 2023-10-01
Source: Instituto Nacional de Estadística de Chile

This dataset includes information of the Chilean Manufacturing Production Index, its purpose is to estimate the evolution of production volume, through physical production, deflated sales corrected for variation in inventories and person-hours as proxies of the productive activity of the industry national manufacturing company, showing its behavior from the supply point of view.

The construction of the index incorporates the use of the Chilean adaptation of the International Standard Industrial Classification (ISIC) in its revision 4 for the definition and delimitation of economic activities, the relative weights in aggregate levels of economic activity provided by the 2013 Reference Compilation (CdeR2013) of the Central Bank of Chile and changes from a product focus to an activity focus, using new criteria for selecting establishments and products consistent with the new focus. For more information on ISIC categories:

The information is also displayed seasonally and by trend-cycle adjusted. Base year is 2014

The source has discontinued the release of this information, therefore this dataset has been discontinued. To see the most updated data related to this topic, please refer to the following dataset: Activity & Production - Chile - INE - Manufacturing Industry Index

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