[DISCONTINUED] Fiscal & Debt - Brazil - BCB - Public Sector & General Government Net Debt
Published byalphacastinAlphacast Discontinued
Last update 2 days ago
Dataset Information
Data available from 1991-01-01 to 2024-05-01This dataset includes monthly information on Public Sector and General Government Net Debt produced by the Central Bank of Brazil. data are in BRL Millions.
Notes: The public sector concept used for measurement is the non-financial public sector plus the Central Bank. The non-financial public sector is considered to be direct federal, state, and municipal administrations, indirect administrations, the public social security system, and federal, state, and municipal non-financial state companies, except for the companies of the Petrobras Group and the Eletrobras Group. The company Itaipu Binacional is also considered. The exclusion of Petrobras from fiscal statistics started to be carried out based on data for the month of May 2009. In order to compare the results with previous periods, the calculation of net debt and public sector borrowing requirements in the new coverage went back to December 2001. DLSP is defined as the balance between the debts and credits of the non-financial public sector and the Central Bank. The balances are determined on an accrual basis, that is, the appropriation of charges is accounted for on a pro-rata basis, regardless of the occurrence of releases or reimbursements in the period. NET DEBT OF THE GENERAL GOVERNMENT: The Net Debt of the General Government corresponds to the net indebtedness (balancing of debts and credits) of the Federal Government (including Social Security), state and municipal governments, with the public and private financial system, non-financial private sector and the rest of the world. GROSS DEBT OF THE GENERAL GOVERNMENT: The General Government Gross Debt (GBGG) comprises the total debts that are the responsibility of the Federal Government, state and municipal governments, with the private sector, the public financial sector and the rest of the world. Repurchase operations carried out by the Central Bank with government bonds are also included. Debts that are the responsibility of state-owned companies in the three spheres of government are not covered by the concept.
This dataset has been discontinued. To see the most updated data related to this topic, please refer to the following dataset: Fiscal & Debt - Brazil - BCB - Public Sector Net Debt
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