Fiscal & Debt - Brazil - BCB - Debt Security
Published byalphacastinBanco Central do Brasil (BCB)
Last update 2021-09-23
Dataset Information
this dataset contains monthly information on the federal security debt produced by the Central Bank of Brazil. data are in BRL Millions.
The federal securities debt is made up of bonds issued by the National Treasury and the Central Bank of Brazil and includes the amounts held by the market or in the portfolio of the Central Bank.
National Treasury securities debt
Internal public debt of the National Treasury, made up of government bonds issued by it and registered with the Special System for Settlement and Custody (Selic) or with the Custody and Settlement Chamber (Cetip), placed and redeemed in national currency.
securitized debts
Includes overdue and renegotiated debts (DVR), which correspond to debts of state companies (except Petrobras), assumed and renegotiated by the federal government through securitization, with issuance of bonds registered with Cetip; and the agrarian debt bonds (TDA) on the market, issued by the National Treasury in land expropriation processes for agrarian reform.
Central Bank securities debt
Internal public debt of the Central Bank of Brazil consisting of government bonds issued by it registered in the Special System for Settlement and Custody (Selic), placed and redeemed in local currency. In 2006, the last securities issued by the Central Bank were redeemed, and since then there has been no longer any securities debt issued by the Monetary Authority, due to the prohibition established by Complementary Law 101, dated 5.4.2000.
For the public securities debt, historical series are disclosed in current currency units and in reais, whose values are expressed considering the portfolio position or custody position. presenting, for each position, the total issued, the values on the market, in the Central Bank portfolio and in treasury. Data are presented in total and by title.
The federal securities debt is also presented based on the distribution by index of the respective securities, for each position (portfolio and custody).
Historical series relating to the monetary impact of securities transactions are presented, comprising placements, redemptions and balances
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