[LEGACY] External Sector - Argentina - BCRA - Foreign Exchange Market (MULC)
Published byalphacastinAlphacast Legacy
Created with pipeline [LEGACY] BOP - Argentina - BCRA - Mercado Unico y Libre de Cambios (MULC) - Monthly
Last update 2025-02-01
Dataset Information
Data available from 2003-01-01 to 2024-12-01- Source: Banco Central de la República Argentina
This dataset includes Argentina monthly evolution of purchases and sales of foreign currency made by entities with clients through the exchange market and the operations carried out directly by the Central Bank, with the opening of the main account items current, capital and financial exchange rate, with breakdowns by sector and by type of operation. The data is expressed in millions of dollars
The coding of the undefined variables can be found in the original excel file of the BCRA. This dataset version is outdated and has been archived as legacy. For the latest and most up-to-date version, please refer to the followings datasets External Sector - Argentina - BCRA - Foreign Exchange Balance; External Sector - Argentina - BCRA - Foreign Exchange Markets...

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