[LEGACY] Monetary - Argentina - BCRA - Monetary Aggregates - Daily
Published byalphacastinAlphacast Legacy
Created with pipeline [LEGACY] Monetary - Argentina - BCRA - Monetary Aggregates
Last update 15 hours ago
Dataset Information
Data available from 2003-01-02 to 2025-02-07- Source: BCRA
This dataset includes the Argentinian monetary aggregates published by Central Bank in the Daily Monetary Report. All data are shown daily and also on a monthly average in millions of Argentinian pesos. The monetary variables are grouped as follows: Total M1: Currency in circulation (Currency in circulation in Financial Entities + Currency in circulation held by the public) + Total Current Account Deposits Total M2: Currency in circulation + Total Transactional Deposits (Total Current Account Deposits + Total Saving Account Deposits) ...

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