[LEGACY] Monetary - Argentina - BCRA - SERIESE y BAS - Selected - Monthly
Published byalphacastinAlphacast Legacy
Created with pipeline [LEGACY] Monetary - Argentina - BCRA - SERIESE y BAS - Selected - Monthly
Last update 18 hours ago
Dataset Information
Data available from 2003-01-01 to 2025-02-01- Source: Banco Central de la República Argentina
This dataset includes monthly information on the evolution of Argentina main monetary variables and their monthly balances: monetary base, international reserves, deposits, loans, interest rates, Central Bank instruments, etc. Data is also available at constant prices, as % of GDP and seasonally adjusted in some cases.
This dataset version is outdated and has been archived as legacy. For the latest and most up-to-date version, please refer to the followings datasets Markets - Argentina - BCRA - Reference Exchange Rate A3500, Monetary - Argentina - BCRA - SERIES - BCRA's Instruments, Monetary - Argentina - BCRA - SERIES - Loans by Category, Monetary - Argentina - BCRA - SERIES - Deposits by Category, Monetary - Argentina - BCRA - SERIES - Market Interest Rates, Monetary - Argentina - BCRA - SERIES - International Reserves, Monetary - Argentina - BCRA - SERIES - Monetary Base...

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