Dataset Information

Data available from 2019-01-02 to 2024-07-25
Source: BVQ

This dataset includes the Ecuador Stock Exchange Indexes. If the variation of the Ecuindex is equal to 0%, it means that the stock prices are unchanged from the previous day's prices. If the variation of the Ecuindex is greater (less) than 0, the stock prices show a positive (negative) trend with respect to the previous day's prices. The base for this indicator is 100 points (1993-08-02). The IVQ (Quito Volume Index) is the Stock Market Index that reflects the ratio of the total amount traded in a day with respect to the total average amount traded in the Quito Stock Exchange during the last 60 days. If the IVQ is equal to 100, today's amount is equal to the average of the last 60 days. If the IVQ is greater (less) than 100, today's amount is greater (less) than the average of the last 60 days. The base for this indicator is 100 points. The IRRF (Fixed Income Return Index) is the Stock Market Index that reflects the ratio of the average return of the last week compared to the average return of the last 60 days. If IRRF=100 the average return of the week is equal to the average return of the last 60 days. If IRRF is greater (less) than 100, the average return for the week is greater (less) than the average return for the last 60 days. The base for this indicator is 100 points.

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