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Ministerio de Economía (MECON) - Argentina

By Alphacast

The Ministerio de Economía (MECON) is the Ministry of Economy in Argentina. The MECON is responsible for the development and implementation of economic policies in Argentina. This includes managing macroeconomic stability, promoting economic growth and competitiveness, and supporting the development of small and medium-sized enterprises. The MECON also plays a key role in implementing policies aimed at reducing poverty and promoting equality.


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    PipelineLast EditedEdit
    Cloned from: Cloned from: Cloned from: Fiscal & Debt - Argentina - MECON - Public Debt Database - Latest Version transformation5 months ago
    Fiscal & Debt - Argentina - MECON - Public Debt Database - Latest Version transformation5 months ago
    Cloned from: Fiscal & Debt - Argentina - MECON - Public Debt Database - Latest Version transformation7 months ago
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