Francisco Fernandez


March 2023

franciscofernandez's insights

  • # Hands-On: Calculating South America's population growth with Alphacast


    By Francisco Fernandez Read more Alphacast Highlights here South America - Demographics Alphacast allows you to unlock the details of South America's demographics with ease. Uncover essential data and showcase trends through captivating charts, including insights into the region's most populous countries and those experiencing rapid population growth.. Data is from World Bank. But that's not all. The World Bank data only shows you how population growth evolved in Latin America and the Caribbean as a whole. But not specifically in South America. That's not a problem because with Alphacast you can compile the data in a few steps by building South America's population growth. Let's calculate South America's population growth with Alphacast Step 1: Our starting point is Demographics - Global - World Bank - Demographics. Up to here, just press on Select columns and choose South American countries and the variables "Population, total" and "Population growth (annual %). Finally use the Transform Data option, that will direct you to create a pipeline. Countries: Variables: Step 2: For the following calculations, it is necessary that each column represents a different country, so the Long to Wide option should be used. In the entity to convert just select "Country" and...

  • Hands On: How to use Alphacast to monitor SMEs financing?


    By Francisco Fernandez More Alphacast Highlights available at this link The Argentine economy has a significant part of its production, employment, and consumption destined to Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs). To understand their economic and financial situation, especially considering the scarcity of relevant high frequency official statistics, it is possible to use data on their financing. For this special segment of the economy, ECHEQs are fundamental - and Alphacast has a real-time updated Stock Market dataset of them, discriminating by maturity, asset type, and currency. The complexity of the dataset, in addition to the amount of data and variables available, makes it crucial to know how to process and analyze them. Therefore, in this hands-on guide, we will show how to filter the data, transform them, and present them graphically for their best use. For this, we will use the Alphacast pipeline engine to transform and plot data from guaranteed ECHEQs. Since the source is available in our database, the information is updated regularly and automatically, as soon as it is made public - both in the original dataset and in all uses. Step by step First, we start by creating a pipeline. This is simple: select "create new", then...

  • Exploring Mexico's Money Market Interest Rate with Alphacast


    By Francisco Fernández Access Money Market Interest Rate data here With Alphacast you can monitor accurately and in real time the interest rates of the money market in Mexico. A key information when analyzing the Mexican financial market. Our data comes from Banxico, guaranteeing accurate and reliable information for financial decisions. Real rates In Alphacast charts are automatically updated. You will be able to clearly and visualize the evolution of interest rates in real-time. In addition, Alphacast allows you to use several datasets at the same time and customize the variables as you wish. For example, you can get the real money market rate and have a complete overview of the financial context. We suggest you to give a quick read to how to calculate variables and a full list of all fuctions. Read more Alphacast Dashboards...

  • Exploring Argentina's Gasoline Prices with Alphacast


    By Francisco Fernández Access Gasoline Prices data here Want to stay informed about gasoline price fluctuations in Argentina? Then you're in the right place! AlphaCast gives daily access to accurate and reliable data from the Secretary of Energy, which allows monitoring the value of gasoline with high frequency. Let's see what happened lately Do you know that the price of gasoline can reveal clues about government strategies? When the real price lags, it may mean that the government is seeking to increase the population's purchasing power. Alternatively, if the real price rises, it is likely that the government is adjusting its accounts and correcting relative prices. So if you really want to stay informed about Argentina's macroeconomy policy you can't miss this data source. The price of fuels has shown a declining trend throughout the presidency of Alberto Fernández, with a certain deepening during the last months. The real prices of Regular Gasoline and Premium Gasoline are approximately 25% below the values registered in December 2019. Measured at the financial FX, the liter of Regular Gasoline went from an average value of USD 1.1 during 2016/2019 to USD 0.5 in the last time. The reduction of Premium Gasoline was from...

  • Tourism Mexico


    By Francisco Fernández Tourist arrivals to Mexico have experienced an astonishing increase after the COVID-19 pandemic. Nowadays around 33 million tourists visit Mexico each year and the government is expecting to reach nearly 40 million people throughout 2023, an unprecedented level. The country's diverse and captivating attractions, such as its rich cultural patrimony, impressive natural landscapes, and world-renowned gastronomy, attract travelers from all over the world. As a result, Mexico has become a top choice for domestic and international tourists, reaping the benefits of a booming tourism industry and contributing to its economic growth and development. Tourism plays a crucial role in Mexico's economy. The recent increase in tourist arrivals has significantly strengthened the country's foreign exchange inflow and driven job creation. Thus, the share of the activity Temporary accommodation and food and beverage production in the total GDP follows an upward trend after the pandemic: in 2022 it reached a figure of 2.2%, but still lower than its 1993/1994 peak. In particular, the sale of services to foreign tourists has reached historic highs. In addition, there has been a notable increase in domestic tourism, with higher domestic tourism consumption by Mexican residents. The combined effect of increased foreign and...