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Alphacast Quick Tips

By Alphacast



How to integrate Alphacast with Excel and Google Sheets


From a Dataset First of all, filter the information you want to use. Excel and Google Sheet limit the information that can be downloaded to a maximum, so it is convenient to apply the filters you need. Once you've done the filter, click on the Download button. Then select the format you want: TSV (for integrations with Excel for Mac), CSV, or Excel and choose Copy Link. You will notice the URL already has your personal API key (which should not be shared publicly with other users, outside your team). From a Pipeline Within any pipeline, you can create a Data Snapshot to get a Download Link for the data up to that point. Use the XLSX Download link and follow Step 2. Step 2. Integrating to Excel or Google Sheets Excel Now go to Excel, select Get Data > From Other Sources > From Web, and enter the URL you copied from the Alphacast website. The following GIF guides you through a successful Excel integration! Google Sheets It is VERY easy to connect any Alphacast dataset to Google Sheets and leave it connected to update itself. In Google Sheets type =IMPORTDATA() and paste the URL (the one copied earlier)...

How to integrate Alphacast with Excel for Mac


In the dataset, click on the Download button. Select the TSV format and choose Copy Link Alternatively, you can use the Data Snapshot link from any pipeline. Remember to choose the TSV link. Step 2. Integrating with Excel Open Excel on your Mac, go to the Data tab in the top menu bar. Click on Get Data (Power Query) and Select Get Data (Power Query) from the dropdown menu. Choose data source: Blank query from the options In the Connect to the data source tab, you need to paste the dataset URL and then run the following query. After that, press Next to visualize the table. Csv.Document(Web.Contents("CSV link")) Finally, set up your table by selecting the first row as headers. Step 3. There is no step 3....

How to convert a series to the official USD or Blue Chip Swap?


The pipeline engine "Apply Transform" step incorporates a new transformation that allows changing the source unit: Convert to dollar official or to Blue Chip Swap (for Argentina only). The pipeline is separated into Two steps Select ("Fetch") the dataset and its columns "Apply transform" by selecting "usddaily", "usdmonthly" or whatever corresponds to the frequency and/or CCL_daily to convert to CCL. Important: This operation uses the "Country" field to identify the country and know which currency to use. In the case of the official currencies, use this reference dataset for the conversion, and in the case of the Argentine CCL...

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