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Alphacast Highlights

By Alphacast

This repository compiles the contributions of the Alphacast team on various current topics in the global economy.


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    Hands on: How to create Tables in Alphacast


    By Florencia Hernández ( Find out more Alphacast Highlights here At Alphacast, we integrate automated pivot tables that can assist you in visualizing data and offering interactive content. Using this tool, you can summarize and analyze data series to make comparisons and easily identify patterns and trends among them with just a few clicks. Let's see how it works using stock market data as an example. The first step is to create a pipeline and do a Yahoo Finance Data Fetch incorporating the tickers we want to have in our table. As an example, we select some trending tickers. Prior to creating the table, you can transform, combine, and reshape the data. Before proceeding with the variable transformation, let's add one more step to keep only the Close column and remove the rest. As you can see, the data is daily, but if you wish, you can change the frequency using the change frequency step (see here) or perform any transformation that allows you to manipulate the data more easily (see Here). In this case, from the Apply Transform step, we will calculate the daily variation,7-day variation, and 30-day variation. Finally, we will filter the data to display the last...

    Hands-On: Calculating South America's population growth with Alphacast


    By Francisco Fernandez Read more Alphacast Highlights here South America - Demographics Alphacast allows you to unlock the details of South America's demographics with ease. Uncover essential data and showcase trends through captivating charts, including insights into the region's most populous countries and those experiencing rapid population growth.. Data is from World Bank. But that's not all. The World Bank data only shows you how population growth evolved in Latin America and the Caribbean as a whole. But not specifically in South America. That's not a problem because with Alphacast you can compile the data in a few steps by building South America's population growth. Let's calculate South America's population growth with Alphacast Step 1: Our starting point is Demographics - Global - World Bank - Demographics. Up to here, just press on Select columns and choose South American countries and the variables "Population, total" and "Population growth (annual %). Finally use the Transform Data option, that will direct you to create a pipeline. Countries: Variables: Step 2: For the following calculations, it is necessary that each column represents a different country, so the Long to Wide option should be used. In the entity to convert just select "Country" and...

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    New Chart4 days ago
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