
July 2021

lucascosta93's insights

  • A short guide to Peruvian macro data

    Interested in activity, prices, monetary, fiscal, external sector, and financial data for Peru? There are loads of datasets, see for example this Repository which has official statistics from INEI and BCRP. However, this short guide will help you find the our "must-see" datasets. Peru Country Profile Dashboard The starting point is our Peru Macro Dashboard, a fully automatized Dashboard presenting up-to-date data. You can catch a glimpse and get a broad idea of the latest developments. The Charts are fully integrated with our datasets, so if you want to replicate any of them, you can download the source Dataset, or just click the button “Clone Chart” to reproduce the Chart inside our Platform. The main sources for the data used on this Dashboard come from the Central Bank of Peru (BCRP), the National Institute of Statistics and Information (INEI) and Peru's Ministry of Economy and Finances (MEF). The data is fully integrated with our database which means once the sources release the data, our database will be instantaneously updated on our platform. Our Dashboard contains five sections: Activity, Prices, Money and Banking, Fiscal, External Sector and Financial. Activity To track the economic activity of the Peruvian Economy, you can monitor...

  • A short guide to Peru macro data

    **Interested in activity, prices, monetary, fiscal, external sector, and financial data for Brazil? There are more than 400 datasets for Brazil (See for example this Repository).** If you look for data about Brazil, you will probably find it there. However, this short guide will help you find the basic "must-see" datasets. Brazil Country Profile Dashboard The starting point is our Brazil Country Profile Dashboard, a fully automatized Dashboard presenting up-to-date data. You can catch a glimpse and get a broad idea of the latest developments. The Charts are fully integrated with our datasets, so if you want to replicate any of them, you can download the source Dataset, or just click the button “Clone Chart” to reproduce the Chart inside our Platform. The main sources for the data used on this Dashboard come from the Brazilian Institute for Geography and Statistics (IBGE), the Central Bank of Brazil and the National Treasury Secretary (STN). The data is fully integrated with our database which means once the sources release the data, our database will be instantaneously updated on our platform. Our Dashboard contains five sections: Activity, Prices, Money and Banking, Fiscal, External Sector and Financial. Activity To track the economic activity of...

  • A short guide to Brazilian macro data

    **Interested in activity, prices, monetary, fiscal, external sector, and financial data for Brazil? There are more than 400 datasets for Brazil (See for example this Repository).** If you look for data about Brazil, you will probably find it there. However, this short guide will help you find the basic "must-see" datasets. Brazil Country Profile Dashboard The starting point is our Brazil Country Profile Dashboard, a fully automatized Dashboard presenting up-to-date data. You can catch a glimpse and get a broad idea of the latest developments. The Charts are fully integrated with our datasets, so if you want to replicate any of them, you can download the source Dataset, or just click the button “Clone Chart” to reproduce the Chart inside our Platform. The main sources for the data used on this Dashboard come from the Brazilian Institute for Geography and Statistics (IBGE), the Central Bank of Brazil and the National Treasury Secretary (STN). The data is fully integrated with our database which means once the sources release the data, our database will be instantaneously updated on our platform. Our Dashboard contains five sections: Activity, Prices, Money and Banking, Fiscal, External Sector and Financial. Activity To track the economic activity of...

  • Alphacast Highlight - Peru: Activity contracts 1.3% in March


    Want to connect inflation data to Excel? Click here. Peru monthly GDP estimate, produced by INEI, showed a 1.3 % contraction during March. It is the second contraction in a row (-0.3% in February), indicating that the Peruvian economy is showing signs of stagnation due to the worsening condition on the external sector, in the sense of the Ukranian War and the China economic slowdown, and the higher inflation. Trade contracted 13.7% in March, Fishing, 3.7 % and Oil and Gas Extraction and Mining contracted 2.29 %. Construction and Manufacture grew 4.51% and 0.79 % respectively. Despite the recent slowdown, Peru is one of the countries that registered the highest rates of growth in the last decade (30 %), falling behind only to Colombia. However most of this growth happened before the pandemic. During the pandemic, Peru registered the largest drop of the region and since it's recovery it has been struggling to return to its pre-pandemic growth trend. Related content: - Click here to access the INEI- Monthly GDP...

  • Brazilian Exchange Rate


    by Robin Brooks "We're in the middle of a disorderly rise in long-term US real yields, which is weighing on all EM, including Brazil's Real. The more disorderly this gets, the shorter it will last, because the Fed will be forced to backtrack. So our Brazilian Real $/BRL fair value stays at 4.50." Related Datasets Monetary - Brazil - BCB - Exchange...

  • Brazil Activity Index


    By BTG Pactual "Brazil: IBC-Br +0.34% in February m/m, below expectations (0.4%), with an upward revision in the previous month (from -1.0% to -0.73%), according to BTG economists. Services Sector -0.2% m/m, below market expectations, and Expanded Retail +2.0%, above expectations." Related Datasets Activity - Brazil - BCB - Gross Domestic...