Alphacast is going public!!!

Sorry, that was clickbait.

We are not going public (yet) but we are happy to announce that we are going open-source. We are sharing thousands of hours of work in scripts that connect the data out there with Alphacast's repositories. The code is now public and can be found on Github.

Why we are doing this? Because we need your help. We are creating a collaborative platform for processing, sharing, and monetizing decision-making data and analysis. We have created 1.100 datasets collecting data from hundreds of sources. This figure grows on a daily basis, but we want to pump those numbers up!!

There are many ways you can be part of this.

  • Do you have any data-related code that you would like to share? Send a Pull Request to any of the GitHub repos or write us to

  • We will sponsor the work of our contributors, so if you think there is anything where you can help let us know at We have lots of work to do in our backlog, now open as issues on the main Repository.

  • Resend this note to any data-intense friend who may be interested. Anyone, anywhere. Help us spread the word

As part of this process, we began working on our next major feature: the ability to easily create transformation (pipelines) for merging datasets. The impact of this on the platform will be huge. Basically, all the data will be two clicks away from interconnection. No complex query syntax. Upload your data to Alphacast and it will be instantly linked to thousands (millions?) of datasets.

We are still searching for the buzzword but we will be working on a single global, collaborative DataLake, a DataOcean, the Matrix??....ideas are welcome!

Stay tuned!!

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