Friday Update - July 9th, 2021

¡Feliz dia de la independencia!

Another short week - uff, the second week in the last three! We have focused mostly on planning, housekeeping, and back-end stabilization. These are some highlights that we would like to share with you.

Data housekeeping

We now have almost 500 datasets and we are planing this figure to double in the coming weeks, so we have spent some time in cleaning, homogenizing, classification, and documenting the information. We are preparing the data to be ready for new search tools. We have been working with Chile, Colombia, Uruguay, and Peru and we will soon expand our content on Brazil and the developed world, and many Must-Have sources (Eurostats, BEA, BLS, World Bank, etc)

Meanwhile, this is the country coverage that we have so far.

Country / RegionDatasets
United States43
European Union15
Latin America14
United Kingdom1

Teams and permissions

We have been working on Teamwork experience using Alphacast - including this lovely view of Team members - and on permissions. Who can see what and when? Most of this work is behind the scenes, but we are now one step closer to our next milestone of allowing users/teams to manage access to their content to other team members and to users who pay a subscription.

Transformations pipeline

Soon users will be able to decide their own transformations on the variables. You may have seen that the datasets have a fixed set of available transformations (constant prices, seasonal adjustment, % of GDP, etc). We manage those transformations in our back end, deciding which should be available on each dataset. We are now working on opening those options to the users.

In order to do that we will be working with the concept of "Pipelines". Given one or many datasets, you can define transformations on each variable and either store or download that new dataset - change in frequency aggregations, linear combinations, currency conversion, ratios, etc. The basic building block will be an API.

Current back-end admin of data transformations


Monetize your own work

Are you a content creator and would like to monetize your work? Remember that we can help you reach new audiences by publishing your work on our platform, for free, or for your subscribers.

Our first Premium Publisher, Federico Cuba's Provifi, will launch his featured insights and datasets next week. We have been working together to get the content ready for publishing. Provifi will host premium detailed fiscal data on Argentina's provinces (debt, expenditure, income, tax revenue, and more).

New datasets


Monetary - Global - Bruegel - Real Effective FX Rate


BOP - Chile - BCCh - External Trade - Trade Balance

Activity - Chile - BCCh - National Accounts - Gross Domestic Product - Expenditure approach


Fiscal - Colombia - MHCP - Central Government Fiscal Balance

Fiscal - Colombia - MHCP - Fiscal Balance of the Financial Public Sector

Fiscal - Colombia - MHCP - Fiscal Balance of the Non-Financial Public Sector

Fiscal - Colombia - MHCP - Fiscal Balance of the Consolidated Public Sector


Activity - Uruguay - INE - Average Index of Nominal Wages

Activity - Uruguay - INE - Industrial Production - Base 2018

BOP - Uruguay - BCU - Balance of Payments

BOP - Uruguay - BCU - Public Debt - By Debtor and Creditor

BOP - Uruguay - BCU - Public Debt - By instrument, currency and maturity

BOP - Uruguay - BCU - Public Debt – BCU

BOP - Uruguay - BCU - Public Debt - Non Monetary Public Sector


BOP - Peru - BCRP - Balance of Payments

Luciano Cohan

Written by

Luciano Cohan

Co-Fundador de Alphacast. Ex Subsecretario de Programación Macroeconómica. Data Science. Creando una plataforma para el trabajo colaborativo en economías

Repo with the log of updates to the website and dataset.


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