Alphacast Friday Update - January 28th, 2022
The new pipeline engine is finally here.
We are very happy to announce that the Beta version of our new pipelines engine is now live. Just click "Create new" on the top right and then "Pipeline V2.0". To create a Pipeline define its name and the Repository where it will be stored. Endless possibilities are now opening with the ability to process the data within the platform. One step closer to our aim of creating a single global collaborative database.
The first step in a Pipeline is selecting a dataset as a source. Once selected there are seven steps currently available to transform and process the data. These steps are the following:
Rename Column & Select Column
Rename Column & Select Column are used to, well, filter columns from the dataset and change their names.
Calculate variable
Calculate variable is a general-purpose formula parser where you can write the transformation that you need. Most standard arithmetic is accepted. If you need some specific transform just let us not
Change frequency
With Change Frequency users can resample the time-frequency of the dataset moving from Daily to monthly, quarterly, and yearly back and forth. When doing so the user has to select the aggregation formula if moving from higher to a lower frequency - such as average or end of the period - or the interpolation formula if moving from lower to higher (such as linear interpolation or splines)
Merge with another Dataset
Merge Datasets is our new and awesome feature that allow combining any dataset on the fly. A whole world of use cases now opens with this new feature. No more downloading and vlookuping on excel. You can create any dataset by combining other datasets on the platform.
Apply Transform
Apply transform is a many-in-one step where you can find most of the transforms that were available in the first version of our pipeline's engine. Most of this will eventually become steps on their own. But meanwhile, you can still do the standard transforms by picking this option (unit conversions, basic arithmetic, variations, differences, etc.
Publish to a dataset
Finally, you can publish the content of your pipeline into a dataset. The pipeline does not have to end there, you can add further steps and create more than one dataset!
Have a nice weekend!