How to convert a series to the official USD or Blue Chip Swap?

The pipeline engine "Apply Transform" step incorporates a new transformation that allows changing the source unit: Convert to dollar official or to Blue Chip Swap (for Argentina only).

The pipeline is separated into Two steps

  1. Select ("Fetch") the dataset and its columns
  2. "Apply transform" by selecting "usd_daily", "usd_monthly" or whatever corresponds to the frequency and/or CCL_daily to convert to CCL.

Important: This operation uses the "Country" field to identify the country and know which currency to use. In the case of the official currencies, use this reference dataset for the conversion, and in the case of the [Argentine CCL this](https://www.alphacast .io/datasets/5288)

Luciano Cohan

Written by

Luciano Cohan

Co-Fundador de Alphacast. Ex Subsecretario de Programación Macroeconómica. Data Science. Creando una plataforma para el trabajo colaborativo en economías


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