Empower Your Data Insights with Alphacast's Real-Time Notifications!

Stay connected to your data – receive personalized alerts as it's updated. Here, we'll show you how to use our new notifications feature.

We understand how challenging it can be to stay alert when your dataset updates. That's why with Alphacast, you can now receive automatic notifications whenever the data is updated.

Let's get started. First, you will log in to Alphacast and navigate to the explore section. Then, you'll select the dataset – in this case, we'll use Markets - Argentina - FX premiums - Daily.

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Once you're inside the dataset, you'll notice a subscription button located at the top right. By subscribing, you'll receive email notifications as soon as the dataset information is updated, keeping you informed in real-time.

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This repository compiles the contributions of the Alphacast team on various current topics in the global economy.


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