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Alphacast Discontinued

By Alphacast

Alphacast Discontinued's insights

US Inflation and Retail Sales


By Ben Casselman @bencasselman "One big factor in inflation: We're still spending way more on stuff than before the pandemic. Retail sales up 1.7% in October, and more than 20% above prepandemic levels (not adjusted for inflation)." "Compare that to restaurant spending, which was flat in October and is basically on its pre-Covid trend line. And restaurant sales have held up better than many in-person services, thanks to takeout." "This isn't just about rising prices, either. Even in inflation-adjusted terms, retail sales are way above their prepandemic trend." Related Dataset Activity - USA - Census Bureau - Retail Sales -...

Covid cases, hospitalisations & deaths on the rise across Europe


By John Burn-Murdoch @jburnmurdoch "NEW: Covid cases, hospitalisations & deaths on the rise again across Europe, with rates of all three metrics surpassing the UK in many countries Starting in the west: Belgium, Netherlands & Germany in particular experiencing sharp increases in not only cases but ICU & deaths too." Related Dataset Misc - Global - OurWorldInData Coronavirus Dataset -...

UK's Inflation


by Mohamed A. El-Erian "Good morning. #UK inflation data are out: Per the @FT chart, consumer prices in January rose at an annual rate of 5.5%, slightly above the 5.4% that was both the median forecast and last month measure. Core CPI #inflation was 4.4%, up from the prior 4.2% and just above consensus." Related Datasets Activity - Global - OECD - Main Economic Indicators - Key short-term indicators -...

Activity and Employment in Argentina: Goods and Services


By Gabriel Caamaño @GabCaamano "I had forgotten to share this previously. It's clear that, as has been said, since the reopening after the second wave, the economy is being boosted by services recovering from the pandemic. Goods, already in pre-pandemic levels, have been stable for a few months." "This will continue in September and October (last activity data, EMAE, is from August). Therefore, it is clear that this is a relay race that can't be perceived from the aggregates, and even pre-2018 and 2019 BoP crisis levels are far away." Related Datasets Activity - Argentina - Activity and Employment in Goods and Services Activity - Argentina - Activity and Employment in Industry and Construction and Other...

Shock resistance


by Mike Bird "Even as consumer prices surge across much of the world, and massive rises in import costs, Japan simply WILL NOT countenance any inflation. Outright refusal. No dice." #Global Related Datasets Prices - Global - OCDE - Consumer Price...

US Labor Productivity

By Moody's Analytics @economics_ma "Mark Zandi: Concern that high U.S. #inflation will persist is understandable, but overdone." @chart Related Dataset Activity - USA - BEA - Labor Productivity...

Argentina Retail Sales


By Damian Di Pace @DiPace4 "Mother's Day 2021: retail sales increased 42.1% YoY, average spending was $3776. Top performer was the Restaurant business, where inflation-adjusted sales increased 82.6% YoY after a strict quarantine. " Related Datasets Activity - Argentina - CAME - Retail Sales Index - Quantity - Monthly Activity - Argentina - INDEC - Supermarket Survey - Monthly Activity - Argentina - INDEC - Shopping Mall Survey -...

Global trade openness over time


By Agathe Demarais @AgatheDemarais "A historical perspective on trade and globalisation... World's merchandise exports have grown from ~5% of global GDP in 1950s to 20-25% currently. Average tariffs rate has been declining for three decades almost everywhere; United States among only exceptions." Related Datasets BOP - Global - World Bank - Trade - Trade as a Share of GDP BOP - Global - World Bank - Trade - Mean Weighted Tariff...

Argentina: GDP and GDP per capita


"Argentina in the last 50 years: Drop in GDP in 21 years (42% of years in recession), Drop in GDP per capita in 23 years (46% of years). Source: World Bank Data" "For some perspective: Second worst performer in the region (Venezuela is first). Source: OurWorldInData, Change in GDP per capita 1970-2018, in international $ and constant prices" Related datasets: Activity - Global - World Bank - World Development Indicators - Gross Domestic Product Activity - Global - Penn World Tables -...